Friday, December 5, 2014

Final Concert Reminders

Dear Intermediate Singers and Families,

TOMORROW is our big Holidays With Cantabile concert! Please check your email for final concert reminders, and see below. Your conductors are looking forward to making incredible music tomorrow with all of you!

Holidays With Cantabile 

When: Saturday, December 6
Where: Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph, San Jose
Call time: 11:00am 
Concert: 1:00pm
Uniform: arrive wearing FULL Cantabile concert uniform including black socks (boys)/stockings (girls), black dress shoes (no boots please!), and hair neat/off the face
Sign in: with Choir Parent at the curb - Cantabile volunteers will walk your child to Parish Hall.
Sign out: in Parish Hall with Choir Parent - at the end of the concert, please follow the choirs to Parish Hall. Prep 3 singers should be picked up from downstairs.

Practice Recordings

Please practice one last time tonight with all of your recordings! Click HERE to access the files. Make sure all your words are completely memorized - especially for Star Carol, Kalanta, and Walking in the Air!

O Sifuni Mungu Choreography Practice Video

Click HERE to watch me sing and perform the choreography for O Sifuni Mungu. 

Important Notes

Silent Night CANDLES: Hold your candle in your left hand at your side until the lights go down for Silent Night. Then turn your candle on (switch at the bottom) and hold it with both hands. Please do NOT play with it, use up the battery by turning it on before everyone is about to sing, or drop it (it will break!) - we do not have extras for everyone.

Kalanta of the New Year
The recording will really help you learn the Greek text – please use it!!

O Sifuni
Check out my choreography video! Then use the practice recording to make sure you know your notes and words – really listen to and practice the lines “thou fire so masterful and bright that giveth man both warmth and light” and “praise the father, praise the son, and praise the spirit three in one”. Those lines are the most unique – use the practice recording to help you learn them.

Sh’ma Yisrael
On the last page, those in Intermediate A singing the bottom two lines will come in together first, then those in Intermediate Honor who sing the second line from the top, and finally those in Intermediate Honor who sing the top line. Once we add the top line, we will repeat one last time with everyone singing, and diminuendo (get softer) all the way to the end. WATCH THE CONDUCTOR at the end because the tempo will slow down!

Memorize where all the fermatas (pauses) are and make sure you are watching the conductor

Walking in the Air
When memorizing, pay careful attention to the text - make sure you know when you’re “walking” vs “surfing” vs “swimming”, etc. Watch the conductor for the big crescendo into the final, strong verse.

Cool Yule
All phrase endings are short, short, short! Keep it cool and jazzy. :) Watch the conductor for a reminder on which phrases go “down” and which go “up”. Page 6 (scat section) will be an Ensemble solo. We will crouch and snap as we practiced at the workshop. After this section is over you come back in with the next verse – we need a strong entry here! Be confident! Eyes glued to the conductor for the final phrase, “you’ll have a Yule that is cool” – make sure you follow the conductor’s tempo and watch for each note to be cued. Don’t forget the hand motions we added at the end!

Star Carol
All verses memorized! The “see he lies” verse is especially important because it is a Prep 3 and Intermediate solo. Unlike the other verses, this one is smooth and gentle because you are singing about the sleeping baby Jesus.

Silent Night
Please make sure you have all three verses memorized!